Women Victory

Zendesk vs Intercom: Which is better? 2023

Groove carries all the major features a B2C or D2C brand would need to serve its customers and they are very good at it. However, if you are looking for a proper B2B platform with features like SLAs, priority levels, auto-assignment, approval workflows, etc then Groove might not be the best choice. The pricing starts …

Essential Features of Devops Technology in This Cloud Era

Essential Features of Devops Technology in This Cloud Era DevOps is the evolution of traditional application development and operations roles driven by consumerization of all software and business demand for agility. DevOps facilitates the needs of today’s businesses to stay relevant by constantly innovating through software. DevOps is about people and processes as much as …

Big Data on Campus to Decline Dropout Rates?

Big Data on Campus to Decline Dropout Rates? What if colleges could predict whether students would drop out of college before they had a chance to? How helpful would this information be in reducing dropout rates and increasing graduation rates?Well, a new system may be able to help do just that.“We have identified factors that can …

Networking in the Social Sphere Builds Strong Career Connections

Networking in the Social Sphere Builds Strong Career Connections A strong network is a key building block for career success. Whether you’re looking for a new job or connecting with peers in your industry, building a strong set of connections to help advance your career is vital.While older generations used to build their networks one …

Gold and Silver Join Blockchain Era with Digital Debut, Public Exchange Listing

Gold and Silver Join Blockchain Era with Digital Debut, Public Exchange Listing Silver and gold, long-time staples in the global economy, are entering the age of digital finance.Gold and silver have a history as safe-haven investments, trusted units of account, and affordable media of exchange, according to the LODE Project, a company constructing a blockchain-powered …

Put Your Head in the Digital Music Cloud

Put Your Head in the Digital Music Cloud When it comes to storing digital music files, people are often confronted with the dilemma of choosing which type of operating platform to use. In many cases, people find themselves stuck in the “i-opoly” — the monopoly-style hold of Apple’s iTunes on digital music — of the …

Digital Education

Digital Resources to Play a Big Role in Education this Fall  The upcoming school year will be like nothing teachers, students, and families have ever experienced, as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic steers school systems to embrace online learning and incorporate it in new ways.However, school systems across the country are rising to the challenge and …

Opening Up to the Internet of Things

Opening Up to the Internet of Things Not long ago I was explaining how the internet works to a senior citizen at the launch of a recently held e-business application. I was able to explain that the Internet is a global web of computers, which is termed as the worldwide web, or the www and …

5 Facts About Software Security Services

5 Facts About Software Security Services Due to technology advancement, many companies have no choice but to invest a lot of money on software security services. This is because the business world has become more and more unsecured. Software security services are highly demanded in the market nowadays because many software systems have been attacked …

Best Selling Robot Kits

Best Selling Robot Kits Robotic toys are a lot of fun and entertainment and they can be fantastic educational toys also. Robotic toys have been developed and refined quite a bit since Leonardo da Vinci’s model, and the first robot toy was manufactured in 1939 when Westinghouse created Elektro, a human-like robot, and his robot …